/‘K’ Soldier
Hey, what are you doing!?
[DECEIVER] I’m the army inspector and you’re goofing off!
[DECEIVER/MANAGER] I’m the army inspector and we are very concerned about your performance.
[PUNCHER] Take this!
[COLLECTOR] Can I just click on you for a second?
[PROGRAMMER] Okay this is just bad game design, having an entire stealth section where you immediately get caught afterwards? Come on.
[DEFAULT] Woopsydoopsy
‘K’ Soldier
I have to agree with you there, mate. If I was you I’d be right furious.
[PUNCHER] I’ll show you how furious I am!
[AMBASSADOR] So if you agree, you should let me off.
[PROGRAMMER] I bet if I got caught out there I’d have to restart the whole thing.
‘K’ Soldier
I know, right? It’s so inconsistent.
[MANAGER] I will have to speak with their supervisor.
[DEFAULT] Yeah. …
‘K’ Soldier
. . .
‘K’ Soldier
So are you gonna come quietly or am I going to shoot you or what?
Make it stand out
[PUNCHER] Is resisting arrest an option?
[AMBASSADOR] Of course. I seek an audience with your lord.
[SPEEDER] You have to catch me first!!
[DEFAULT] I’ll come quietly.
‘K’ Soldier
(Yeah I’m sure that will go great)
[DEFAULT] What was that?
‘K’ Soldier