OWP-0027 - Get Overrun and Die
Allow me to take control of your first person camera and give you a slightly more scient view, and allow you to see what is happening on the ground, so to speak, as the forces of New New Doomdia prepare for an approaching onslaught of unstoppable size.
Doomdian Soldier
That’s a pretty big approaching onslaught there, eh?
Doomdian Warrior
Yeeeeup, I’d wager that’s one of unstoppable size, if I was a betting person.
Doomdian Guard
Not a betting person!? You put four thousand Gilly on a game of Doomdian Revised 2nd Edition Baccarat literally yesterday.
Doomdian Warrior
Baccarat doesn’t count.
Doomdian Soldier
S’true. Baccarat doesn’t count.
Are you three even listening?
Doomdian Guard, Soldier, and Warrior
G-General Justica!
Since the three of you seem to know what’s going on, what would you say we should do about the overwhelming attacking army?
Doomdian Guard
Step aside and let them destroy everything!
Doomdian Soldier
Get overrun and die, General!
Doomdian Warrior
Self destruct the Tower!
I honestly don’t know what I expected when I took this position.