OWP-0072 - Right Out
Here we are at one of the last bastions of the Skyrian Nation: Groundria East.
1. Ah yes, Groundria East, of the Skyrian Nation.
2. We can read you know.
3. It is a silly place.
4. Why’s it like that?
Well excuse me for being diegetic.
1. [Sarcastic] Okay you got me. I lied. I can’t read so it’s helpful.
2. You’ve been speaking non-diegetically a lot, to be fair.
3. I dunno this whole conversation seems pretty.. meta.
4. Hey now, settle.
Nuh-uh! Game mechanics exist in the canon so that’s allowed. So is interface elements with in-universe analogues.
Like the cards?
Exactly. But pure interface elements like area titles? That’s right out.