OWP-0023 - Sweet Sweet Code
You’re probably wondering where we’re going.
1. I usually just go where the quest marker goes.
2. Wandering aimlessly, I’d guess.
3. I was, actually.
4. I assume we’re headed to New New Doomdia as it’s the closest major settlement that’s still standing.
We’re headed to New New Doomdia, as it’s the closest major settlement that’s still standing.
Someone there will probably either know where some of that sweet sweet code is, or know where to pick up the trail. We just have to beat it out of them.
1. Or we could ask them nicely.
2. Or we could steal the information.
3. Or we could perform some sort of errand for them in exchange for the information.
4. Yeah let’s do that.
.. or we could ask them nicely. Like a boring person.
1. I’d rather not cause extra problems for ourselves.
2. Come on, it has to be easier than murdering our way through an entire city.
3. I promise we can kill some random NPCs later.
4. You know what, I’m convinced, let’s do it your way.
Look, I’m not a murder-crazy idiot. I’m just saying is that although violence doesn’t solve every problem, it often re-contextualizes the problem space so that the original problem is no longer a concern.
You don’t have to escort a dude’s partner back if said partner mysteriously dies, and you still get the quest complete experience. You don’t have to (and can’t) barter with a merchant for a quest item if the merchant’s already trying to kill you.
1. You don’t usually get as many rewards that way, though.
2. Half the time my way is just go in, pass a skill check, quest complete, leave.
3. Do you really think unnecessary murder is the best way to go about being a protagonist?
4. I guess that’s all true.
Best? Maybe, maybe not. But it’s so much more fun!