OWP-0039 - There Is No Table Here
Let’s just put this all on the table. Metaphorically, as there is no table here, obviously. This is our end goal: The defeat of TSUNE.
1. Hey anyone want to trade?
2. Aw, I already got that one.
3. Two more and I’ll have a complete playset.
4. There are duplicates?
As an Eternal, TSUNE cannot be defeated by methods made possible by the rules of the universe.
Which is where me, my book, and my new programmer buddy come in.
I think we can actually do this. We just need to find more materials. I have an idea about that, actually.
Wow, things are going SUPER my way. What’s the idea, sexy?
… I’ll ignore that. There is a temple to the Messenger to the west. Eternal artifacts, or information about them, tend to have been kept that those temples.
You want to raid a church!? Wow, you really have changed! I am IN!
I was going to ASK them for it. Or if it’s abandoned, rescue the artifacts, I guess?
Eh, I’m still in.
1. I am also in!
2. I’m in for whatever.
3. Actually I’m gonna bounce.
4. Can we rob a different church?
Let’s go save the f*ckin’ world!