OWP-0003 - Don't Make Me Turn This Thing Around
/Driving Raider
Hey pipe down back there, don’t make me turn this thing around. And then uh, turn it around again because we’re going to our secret raider base.
Shackled Person
Don’t mind Steve. He used to be cool but noooow he’s too busy being a raider to play baccarat on Thursdays and to not kidnap people now that he’s a JERK. DO YOU HEAR THAT, STEVE? A JERK.
Driving Steve
I told you, Pearson! You don’t even know HOW TO PLAY baccarat! It doesn’t involve actual rats! I got sick of trying to teach you how to play properly (and also sick of disease because rats) so I joined up with these raiders!
Shackled Pearson
Ouch, Steve. Ouch. Both your attitude and the fact I appear to be sitting on a rock.
1. People, people, please. Let’s not let the rules of baccarat come between what could be a burgeoning friendship!
2. Actually, Doomdia Rules Baccarat does involve one actual rat.
3. Say Nothing
4. Wait.. this is a kidnapping!?