OWP-0021 - Many Interests in Common
There is more to the story, however that will have to wait for another intermission such as this. But I will leave you with one further tidbit of information.
You see, stories being what they are, Karn- the swordsman hero and Lumi- the priestess, were destined to end up together. It helps they had many interests in common and compatible personalities.
You may ask if they had free will if they were destined to be together. That is a difficult question to answer in semi-linear storyline with no major branches or some sort of affinity system. So we’ll just ignore it for now.
Anyway, after their story ended, they got married. And what came naturally, came naturally, and they had a child.
A child who was.. most impetuous, but children will be children, right? And eventually this child seemed to mellow out, grow up, and even found love as a teenager. But they were listless. Like something was.. missing in their lives.
Soon after, With not enough time to explore those feelings, the world ended. And that child was now living alone in a blasted realm of death and murder.
Fortunately, however, it seems this new world fit her just fine.
I hope you understand more, now, why I chose to tell this story. And why now, I choose to return to the story in progress, with You and the Protagonist progeny of a protagonist, trudging across the wastes.